In the professional life many things play important roles. Remember, a professional life is different from a formal one. There are different ethics, etiquettes and manners. Would you like to get amazing success in your professional life?

The people who are finding the ways to get amazing chances and opportunities to make their professional and career life extraordinary should focus on the preparation of curriculum vitae (CV). What are curriculum vitae? These are the pages or papers that contain the necessary information about a person.

What is CV for you?

Lots of other things come to play essential job there but a CV is very important. It is considered the first page when you apply for some job. Remember, a CV is a page or document that helps the people to find out much more about you and your skills.

Think over a good CV

In order to develop a good CV it is important to follow these points. People who want to make a CV should gather the important and essential points that should be included in the CV. To learn about the important things and information must for the curriculum vitae the people should see their qualifications and requirements of the job.

  • Your personal information

In the curriculum vitae the first portion stands for the personal introduction of the person who is presenting the CV. What you should include there? The personal information usually contains the name, father’s name, religion, marital status, phone numbers, email addresses and postal addresses.

Take care adding this information. There are some important points for the CV makers. Spellings should be given in capital letters. It reduces the chances of errors especially the typographical errors. The personal information should be given in a good style.

It means the font sizes, font styles and colors should be used with care. Don’t make your CV something like a drawing page. It means the use of colors and styles should look great and sophisticated.

  • Academic qualification and skill

First of all, the users should gather the information about the degrees, diplomas, certificates and other licenses related to any profession and career. These things have to be present in systemic order. The academic qualifications must be added in a systematic manner.

For example, the recent or highest degree should be added first. For example, if you have masters and doctoral degree then you should add doctoral degree first. Add the degree of master’s, graduation, intermediate and school certificates respectively. Remember, there should be a separate corner of the academic qualifications.

Adding the extra courses and trainings in the curriculum vitae the people should make a separate portion. This information should not be mixed with the academic qualifications.

  • Work Experience

In last the people should provide information about the working experiences and skills they have. Don’t forget to mention the duration of working in a company. If you have some publications and custom research papers then include them in the curriculum vitae as well.

Above post written by Sonia Jackson.

You might be trying every possible ways to fulfill your dreams of climbing the success ladder of corporate, but don't forget that you are not alone in the queue. It might not be as smooth as you are expecting it to be. Fierce competition can make the process quite nerve-wracking. While you will be preparing for appearing in the interview, few people will already be there with their own tactics to win the job. To help yourself to stand out in the crowd and outshine the others, you can refer following very useful tips prescribed by the experience holders.

(a) Be Unique - Employer will Notice You
The people, who review dozens of resumes in a day, have an eye to identify the unique skill or personality of the candidates. No doubt you already know that resumes reflect the talent and experience you have gathered over time. But do not forget that everyone is aware of the fact, just like you. So, how to represent the whole bunch of information in an unique way so that it becomes smooth enough for your resume to attract the attention of the employer? Try not to look like everyone else. Always remember that this is your resume that helps you to become a member of the selected group who get a call for interview.

(b) You Always Need to Learn the Art of Resumes
Do not hesitate to write an amazing resume. Your resume should highlight your last job in a remarkable way. It does not matter which posts you were holding or what responsibility you were having over there, you just need to be confident enough to show that you were expert at it, and you made it absolutely valuable for your organization. Your resume talks about your overall capabilities, try to make the most out of it. Make your past experiences amazing enough to draw and hold the attention of the hiring department.

(c) Avoid Saying “I Can't”
Though it's obvious that you might not have all the skills you are expected to have, you just can't admit it directly. There is a way to reveal the lack of knowledge in a more positive way. Never say that you do not have the skill or don't know how to do something; instead, convey the same message in a different way. For example, say that you haven't use the particular software but of course you have used X, Y, Z application for the same.

(d) Make Eye Contact with an Interviewer
While communicating with a person, a prospective client or an interviewer, try to make proper eye contact with the particular person. It reflects your trustworthiness and confidence that most of the employers look for. If it seems harder to you, try to look at the bridge of their nose. Usually people can't recognize the difference.

(e) Represent your Strength as your Weakness
It is very common to face the question which requires you to elaborate your strength and weakness. Talking about the strong part is easy, but how to explain your weakness? Here you need to use your strength as your weakness. You could say that perfectionism is your weakness and explain that how capable you are in managing that aspect.
Be always careful while saying something about your weakness. Try to bring forward the points that say you are a good team player and can go the extra mile to get your job done. Your main aim should be representing yourself as a person who can survive any situation and knows how to complete the delegated responsibilities smartly.

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The Author (Andrew Shultz) is a freelance writer who enjoys sharing helpful tips for personal finance, careers, loan consolidation and short term loans.